Traditional Dishes
43 varieties of vegetables and the same number of fruits are grown in the region. Therefore, it has a variety in its dishes and desserts that cannot be seen in the other regions.

We can list a few soups, meals, salads, pastries, desserts, jams as follows:


Mung Soup: It is a soup made from mung from the legumes, which is a plant unique to the region. Mung, which is a legume, is in the form of small green balls. The mungs, removing their shells, are dried thoroughly in the sun. The mungs are put as much as the amount of soup to be made, then water is put in the pot and left to boil. Slightly swollen mungs are filtered and taken into warm water. Grated onions, a clove or two of garlic, red pepper, tomato paste, salt and butter are poured into the boiling mung, then mixed. The butter heated in the pan is poured over the soup, then served.

Hülüklü Soup: It is made from the rumen of animals such as sheep and goat. To get rid of the smell of the rumen, it is rubbed with onion and lemon, then washed. It is floured on all sides and left for a while and placed in the pot. It is kneaded with medium-fat ground beef, black pepper, tomato and olive oil. Kneaded materials are made as small balls. Since these balls are called “hülük” in the folk language, the soup is named like this. Previously soaked chickpeas and rice are mixed thoroughly. After adding water, butter, salt, tomato paste, red pepper, the chickpeas and rice are poured slowly. Then, it is left on a heavy heat and served with mint and lemon.


Kapama: It is a kind of local dish consisting of cornmeal, fresh cottage cheese and oil. It is cooked with rice. It consists of chickpeas with rice. Rice is cooked in a pan. Meat is put in the middle of the pan. It is covered with dough. Then, put on a light heat and left to be cooked.

Alafaşı: It is a type of food made from natural herbs. It is made from field crops such as patience dock-hibiscus. Herbs are finely chopped, bulgur or rice, olive oil, red pepper, tomato paste, onion, salt and water are added and left to be cooked.

Göleviz: It is made from Göleviz, a local plant with tuberous roots. The shell of Göleviz, its roots like potatoes, is peeled and cooked. It can be cooked with meat or as fried, pouring sauce on it. It is cooked with pieces of göleviz, ground meat, onion, tomato paste, red pepper, salt and pre-soaked chickpeas. It can be served with squeezed lemon.


Halva: It is one of the most important desserts of old Antalya cuisine. Its main material is flour, oil, sugar, but there are many varieties. Sometimes semolina, starch, honey, pekmez or powdered sugar can be used instead of sugar. Halva is not only the main ingredient of home kitchens, but also has a special place in old Antalya life.

Cotton candy: A warm piece of waxed sugar, two wrist-thick, is spread all around on a large tray. Sifted flour is poured into the middle of the wax, which is made as a ring, and the masters who know how to make halva turn the tray by dipping the waxed sugar into flour. In this process, the flour is mixed into the wax thoroughly and it is separated from each other like threads. Its process is similar to fairy floss. Cotton candy was one of the fun activities of Antalya sira nights.


Antalya is famous for its fruit jams too. Housewives in Antalya have a habit of serving the desserts they make themselves. They usually serve the desserts they make by placing them on a silver tray with beautifully colored bowls. Usually, the guest is offered two kinds of jam. The guest prefers and eats one of them. Here is an example of some recipes for a few of these.

Citrus Jam: Thick-shelled citruses are grated and peeled into slices, like peeling an orange. They are scraped inside and their shells are folded and lined up on the rope. For a few days, it is waited after changing its water, morning and evening. This soaking is done in the cold water. The purpose of soaking is to reduce the bitterness of the shell. After three days, the citrus peels are removed from the water and boiled in a pan. After three days, the citrus peels are removed from the water and boiled in a pan. When the boiling process is completed, the water is thoroughly filtered. In its consistency, 10 whole oranges, half a glass of water and a kilo of sugar are put on the boiled peels. It is cooked a little on a light heat, put in jars when it cools down.

Bergamot Jam: Jam made from bergamot, a fruit of citrus fruits, is also a feature of Antalya. Bergamot jam is prepared just like citrus jam.

Bergamot Powder: While making bergamot jam, bergamot shells are grated very lightly. Mashed outer shell residue accumulating on the back of the grater is spread on a flat surface and dried in a moisture-free place out of the sun. Then, while making tea at home, one or two teaspoons of bergamot powder is put into the teapot. This powder, unique to the Antalya region, giving an aromatic taste and smell to tea, is also sold in the candy shops in Antalya.