Page 15 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 15
Dirmil’s Children:
Xanthos, Pinaros, Kragos And Tloos
“Here lived husband Tremiles and wife made the nymph
Ogygie, whom they also called Praxidike, on the banks of the
silvery swirling Sibros River.
It was his raging children Tloos, Xanthos and Pinaros,
and Kragos who forcibly usurped all the fields.”
(Panyasis, frg. 23)
Fig.1: Fertile Eşen Valley, Where Three Big Cities Was Established.
Photo by S. Pamuk
Fig.1: Fertile Eşen Valley, Where Three Big Cities Was Established.
Photo by S. Pamuk.
Fig. 2: Altınyayla Town. Dirmil