Page 5 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 5

Here, Antalya, where ancient settlements are located at ev-
            ery turn, is a magical city where the world meets today, with
            its history and kilometers of mountain range, streams, waterfalls
            and just as it was in the past.
               Attalos’s Attaleia, Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad’s Alaiye
            and Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Antalya, information that has
            remained within the boundaries of archeology until today, it was
            brought together for the first time in a single book, in a language
            that will reach readers of all ages.
               As Antalya tells and shares these stories, it will become a
            part of the world cultural heritage. More than just being a pre-
            ferred tourism destination for its magnificent sea, sand and sun,
            it will enter the routes of modern-day travelers who travel around
            the world in pursuit of stories and to get to know new people
            and cultures.
               With this understanding, Once Upon a Time in Antalya, from
            Sarpedon to Keykubad, as the cultural publication of Muratpaşa
            Municipality, the result of meticulous work in Turkish and English
            met with the reader.
               This work brings tourism from the streets of  Kaleiçi to the
            ancient  city  of  Adada  at  1200  meters  of  the  Western  Taurus
            Mountains. To Kitanaura, Idebessos and Mnara at the summit
            of Beydağları, who want to move to Arykanda at the foot of Şa-
            hinkaya  with  its  enthusiastic  springs.  Therefore,  this  work  will
            fill an important gap in the creation of sustainable, 12 months-
            round  tourism policies.

                                             Ümit UYSAL
                                             Major of Antalya Muratpaşa

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