Page 75 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 75
Hatred of Glaukos
After the sudden death of the hero Sarpedon, his cousin, the
valiant Glaukos took the command of the Lycian Army. Howev-
er, the Lycian warriors who had lost their commander-in-chief
were deeply wounded. Upon this situation, the Lycians, one of
the strongest armies of the Trojan alliance, begin to fall from
the war. Whatever Glaukos does, he can in no way motivate
his army to fight. Because the absence of his cousin Sarpedon
deeply shook him. However, this war is now a struggle for re-
venge as well as a homeland struggle for him. He is so angry
that Glaukos vomits a grudge against Hector upon Sarpedon’s
death when he sees him.
“…Hector, you are beautiful to be beautiful, but,
you have much to learn in war,
you are a fugitive
In vain have you earned your brilliant reputation…”
(Il. X V II , 140 vd.)
Fig. 45: Diomedes and Glaukos Changing their Battle Armor.
420 BC. Gela Archaeological Museum.