Page 119 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 119
Young Kuprilli & Kheriga
To Xanthos, who succeeded him as a second Kuprili ruler
after the Great Kuprili. A ruler who bore the same name as his
father. Therefore, foreign peoples must have called him Ky-
bernis like his father.
Young Kuprili ruled Xanthos and the surrounding peoples
for forty years between 480-440 BC During these forty years,
he minted a large number of coins in his name and made his
power accepted over all Lycia.
Fig.78: Kuprili Coin. Cuprili on the Obverse.
Triskeles Motif On The Reverse.
Kuprili did not have an older son. However, he had a son-in-
law named Harpagos who married his daughter. So much so
that after the death of Kuprili, his grandson Kheriga became the
ruler, as no coins were minted in his name.
1 ebẽ ñni[: stta]lạ ̃ [: m=e]n=ad[ẽ : χ]eṛ [ẽ i: ar]ppa
2 χuh: tid[eimi:] χ̣ẹ [. .]gah: [nẽ ni: k]up[r]lle[h]
3 χahba: … (Lotz 2017)
“This stele was erected by Kherei, son of Harpagos, brother
of Kheriga, grandson of Kuprilli”... (Lotz 2017)
Kherei considered himself considerably older than other dy-
nasty members. However, he did not neglect to mention them
in this immortal inscription. The ruler of rulers, who has always
been aware that his great power came from his ancestral line.