Page 117 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 117

Fig. 77: Kybernis handing his helmet to a warrior in front of him.
               The Persian King Xerxes organized an expedition to Attica
            in 480 BC Here, the Lycians joined this expedition with 50 ships
            under the leadership of their great commander, Kybernis Kossi-
            ka. In the Battle of Salamis, which occurred in this great expe-
            dition, the Persian navy suffered a great defeat. Kybernis also
            died  in  this  expedition  and  could  not  return  to  his  country  of
            Lycia. When Kybernis did not return to his country, probably the
            Xanthians had this great tomb built for him. Maybe Kybernis de-
            signed his own tomb before he died, like his grandson Kherei.
               They built a monumental tomb for the great Kuprili, just like
            that of his grandson Kheri, the ruler of the monarchs. They dec-
            orated all four sides of the marble slabs surrounding the burial
            chamber with reliefs describing the life and heroism of the com-
            mander by Ionian artists. The highly respected Kybernis. Both
            before and after his death.

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