Page 161 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 161

Fig. 113: Library in Asclepion/Hospital. Photo. by A. Kılınç.

            students.  In  other  words,  he  established  a  medical  university
            in Rhodiapolis. So much so that Heraclitus fame spread from
            Rome to Athens.
               Heraclitus was also a great poet who wrote many poems.
            That’s why, exactly 200 years after his death, they referred to his
            benevolent compatriots as “ode masters”, that is, a great poet,
            in the first line of the honor poem they placed next to his tem-
            ple-shaped tomb. So much so that even after 200 years, they
            have not forgotten their helpful compatriot (İplikçioğlu 2018).
               The first hospital structure of Lycia, which was built by Hera-
            clitus, has been completely unearthed by archaeological exca-
            vations in the ancient city of Rhodiapolis today. If you want, you
            can go to Antalya’s Kumluca district and stop by this beautiful
            city and see with your own eyes the hospital structure, library,
            and this poem dedicated to Heraclitus.

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