Page 83 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 83
Fig. 48: The West Agora and the Lycian Acropolis,
where the possible war took place. Excavation Archive.
surrendering and living under the command of another people
in their city, they said, “We cannot live, we will die,” and they set
their acropolis on fire along with the women and children…
The survivors of the fire also threw themselves from the high
cliff in the acropolis (Herodotos, I. 175-177). From that moment on-
wards, both themselves and their city became immortal.
The winner of the great struggle was for now the Persians un-
der the command of Harpagos. However, the city in their hands
had been severely damaged by the war. During the war, about
eighty families from Xanthos, who were on the plateau, returned
and rebuilt the city. In the rebuilt city, a local dynasty will rule for
many years under Persian rule (Herodotos, I. 175-177). Despite this,
the honorable spirit of heroism, which permeates the blood of
the people of Xanthos, will never bow to the pressure they face.