Page 84 - Sarpedon’dan Keykubad’a Bir Zamanlar Antalya
P. 84

Tears of Brutus
                  Nearly 400 years will pass after the Persians occupied Xan-
               thos, and the people of Xanthos will experience a similar inva-
               sion for the second time, but nothing will be lost in the honor of
               this great nation, and they will defend their homeland until the
               last drop of their blood. This time, they are faced with the Roman
               army with the famous commander Brutus at its head.
                  At the end of the 1st century BC., changes are planned due
               to the civil wars in Rome. So much so that the commander Bru-
               tus was assigned to come to Lycia in 42 BC. to collect money.
               Thereupon, the Xanthians, who were informed that Brutus was
               approaching their city with his army, dug a large trench around
               the city and opened fire on the approaching Roman army. Al-
               though  the  Romans  were  stopped  for  a  time  because  of  the
               trench and the fire, they managed to fill the trench with soil on
               the orders of Brutus and imprisoned the people of Xanthos in
               their own city. Afterwards, they brought war invasion vehicles
               and destroyed the high walls of Xanthos. When the Xanthians re-
               sisted  this  situation,  they
               encountered  a  trap.  The
               Xanthians,  who  went  out
               again  to  the  point  where
               the  old  ditch  was,  were
               killed  because  the  gates
               were closed in their faces
               by  the  guards  who  were
               afraid  that  they  would
               come with them. With this
               advantage,  Brutus  pre-
               pared a second trap with
               his army, this time setting
               the  war  machines  on  fire
               and  leaving  the  doors
               open.  In  this  way,  when
               the  Xanthians  returned,
                                        Fig. 49: Portrait of Brutus in Marble.
               the  Roman  soldiers  were
                                        30-15 BC. Marie-Lan Nguyen (2006)

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